Lifetime Health and Wellness Testimonials
Michele’s Testimonial
Titi’s Testimonial
Dan P.– I had a hernia surgery in late 2014. After that surgery I was in such severe pain so an MRI was done that showed a dislocated vertebrae in my lower back. I was unable to walk without pain medication and using 2 canes and a personal assistant. I felt like I was going to collapse at any moment. I screamed in pain often even waking up my wife up during the night. Even though I took pain medication, it did not get rid of the pain. I thought I would forever stooped over, using canes, and scooters when at the store. Three surgeons thought the surgery was too risky for their practice and could not tell me that I would be better but they sure told me what could go wrong.
I started treatment with Dr. Oswald at Lifetime Health and Wellness. I had decompression as well as adjustments and stim treatments. Today I am walking without canes or personal assistance and no longer have to ride the scooter around stores. I am a standing and walking testimony to the wonderful care and commitment I’ve had from Dr. Oswald and his staff. I am truly blessed and grateful to have found them and would highly recommend Dr. Oswald to anyone.