Lifetime Health and Wellness Testimonials

Michele’s Testimonial

Titi’s Testimonial




George’s Testimonial

Maria’s Testimonial


Anna B.- Since starting bioTe, all the symptoms I was feeling from menopause have ceased. No more hot flashes, Night sweats, I sleep through the night and wake up refreshed. I don’t get tired or feel worn out early in the day. I have not had any episodes from rheumatoid arthritis since starting bioTe. I am now under doctors approval in reducing my meds from 2x a day to 1x every other day. She stated that she has heard how hormone replacement does help. It certainly has helped me. I feel great!

VadimVadim S. – I have been coming here for years after they came to my work to provide lunch and inform us about living a healthy lifestyle. Both Doctor Oswald and Doctor Schening have always treated me very well. I have had many different low back and neck issues that they were able to correct. I have sent them many patients over the years including my mother in law, because I know they are going to get the best care possible.
Eric NEric N.-  I’ve been coming to Lifetime Health & Wellness for over 30 years now after I got injured in the Army.Everyone here has given me the best possible treatment. Recently in 2016 I severely injured my back, and the Doctors and staff went above and beyond the call of duty to get me back to work and living pain free. I will always be eternally grateful for their compassion and care for me.
Jacqueline BJacqueline B.– This is the place to go for pain relief! This is also the place to go for massages! Total relaxation! Friendly, professional and people.

LhawDan P.– I had a hernia surgery in late 2014.  After that surgery I was in such severe pain so an MRI was done that showed a dislocated vertebrae in my lower back.  I was unable to walk without pain medication and using 2 canes and a personal assistant.  I felt like I was going to collapse at any moment.  I screamed in pain often even waking up my wife up during the night.  Even though I took pain medication, it did not get rid of the pain.  I thought I would forever stooped over, using canes, and scooters when at the store.  Three surgeons thought the surgery was too risky for their practice and could not tell me that I would be better but they sure told me what could go wrong.

I started treatment with Dr. Oswald at Lifetime Health and Wellness.  I had decompression as well as adjustments and stim treatments.  Today I am walking without canes or personal assistance and no longer have to ride the scooter around stores.  I am a standing and walking testimony to the wonderful care and commitment I’ve had from Dr. Oswald and his staff.  I am truly blessed and grateful to have found them and would highly recommend Dr. Oswald to anyone.

steveSteve R.– I started coming here for massages and all the massage therapists are great. I started seeing the doctors when I hurt my shoulder one time. They fixed me up in no time. This is the place to go for pain relief. Professional staff all around.